
U.S.: Rise in number of neo-Nazis

ADL cites 110 new skinhead groups in past five years; launches special website to track organizations
Eitan Amit

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has said that there has been a worrying and clear rise in activities by fascist skinheads in the United States, including a rise in the number of skinhead groups and organizations, Israel’s leading newspaper Yedioth Ahronot reported Wednesday.
The ADL identified 110 new skinhead groups in the U.S., which did not exist five years ago. The most activity by skinheads was seen in the state of California, which has a large number of skinhead organizations who cooperate with prisoner gangs. The groups are responsible for "significant violence."

The ADL had decided to launch a special internet site to monitor the activities of U.S. skinheads. According to ADL head Abraham Foxman, the internet is used by skinheads as means to recruit new members.